高氧化还原电位酸性水制备及杀菌效果的试验观察 |
来源:中国仪器仪表大市场信息中心 时间:2008/7/24 浏览数:3801 【我要关闭】 |
提要 高氧化还原电位酸性水(EOW)是电解加有食盐蒸馏水时,在阳极产生氧化还原电位(ORP)≥1 040 mV,pH值≤3.69,含有效氯<80 mg/L的水。经检测,水中食盐含量为550~950 mg/L时,电解10 min,该水ORP随食盐含量增加而升高;电解8~12 min,ORP随电解时间延长而升高。悬液定量杀菌试验表明,在20℃下,ORP为1 152 mV的该水,对不含蛋白胨悬液中枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞作用40 min,杀灭率达100%。杀菌效果随ORP升高、温度上升而增强,因蛋白胨存在而减弱。
关键词 高氧化还原电位酸性水 枯草杆菌黑色变种 杀芽胞作用
Acidic water (electrolyzed oxidizing water, EOW) with high redox potential is the water with redox potential (ORP) ≥1040 mV, pH value ≤3.69 and containing available chlorine <80 mg/L, which are produced at the anode during electrolysis of distilled water containing table salt. Examination found that when the table salt content of water was 550-950 mg/L and electrolysis was carried out for 10 min, the ORP of water increased with increasing table salt content. When the eletrolysis time was 8-12 min, the ORP increased with prolonging electrolysis time. The suspension quantitative germicidal test indicated that at 20℃, the killing rate of Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores in suspension without peptone exposed to the water with ORP of 1152 mV attained 100%. The germicidal efficacy increased with increasing ORP and temperature and decreased in presence of peptone.
Key words acidic water with high redox potential Bacillus subtilis var. niger sporicidal effect
1 方法
1.1 高氧化还原电位酸性水的制备
1.2 中和剂选择试验
试验菌为枯草杆菌黑色变种(ATCC 9372)芽胞。试验设平行8组:① 消毒剂+菌悬液;② (消毒剂+菌悬液)+中和剂;③ 中和剂+菌悬液;④ (消毒剂+中和剂)+菌悬液;⑤ 磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)+菌悬液(正常菌对照);⑥ 未加菌PBS对照;⑦ 未加菌中和剂对照;⑧ 未接种菌的培养基对照。试验结果,当第6、7、8组无菌生长,第3、4、5组组间菌数相差不超过10%,第1组不长菌或菌数远少于第2组,第2组菌数≥100 cfu/ml时,为所用中和剂及其浓度合 适[1,2]。
1.3 悬液定量杀菌试验
试验时,将0.1 ml菌悬液与5.0 ml消毒液(阳性对照组为无菌蒸馏水)混匀。作用至规定时间,取菌药混合液0.5 ml,加入4.5 ml中和剂溶液中。中和作用10 min,取混匀液进行活菌计数,计算杀灭率。
2 结果
2.1 加食盐量及电解时间对EOWORP与pH值的影响
经测定,水中食盐含量由550 mg/L增至950 mg/L,电解10 min,制出高氧化还原电位酸性水的ORP由1 152 mV增至1 189 mV,pH值由2.78降至2.27(表1)。当水中食盐含量均为750 mg/L时,EOWORP值随电解时间由8 min增至12 min而升高(表2)。
2.2 中和剂试验结果
表1 加食盐量对EOWORP值的影响
Table 1 Influence of table salt content on ORP value of EOW
Table salt content
in water(mg/L) ORP值
value(mV) pH值
550 1 152 2.78
650 1 161 2.66
750 1 167 2.50
850 1 181 2.38
950 1 189 2.27
注:均对2 000 ml蒸馏水加食盐后电解10 min。结果为3次检测平均值。
Note: Electrolysis of 2000 ml distilled water lasted 10 min after adding table salt in all cases. The results are means of test for 3 times.
表2 电解时间对EOWORP值的影响
Table 2 Influence of electrolysis time on ORP value of EOW
Electrolysis time(min) ORP值
ORP value(mV)
8 1 148
10 1 168
12 1 184
注:电解水均为2 000 ml蒸馏水加1.5 g食盐。结果为3次检测平均值。
Note: All the water for electrolysis were 2000 ml distilled water containing 1.5 g table salt. The results are means of test for 3 times.
2.3 杀菌效果
以不同ORP的EOW杀灭不含蛋白胨的悬液中枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞。结果,随着ORP值升高,杀菌效果增强。ORP为 1 130 mV时,作用40 min,杀灭率为99.97%;而ORP为1 190 mV时,作用5 min,杀灭率即达100%(表4)。
当芽胞悬液中含1%蛋白胨时,ORP小于1 180 mV时,作用40 min,杀灭率仍达不到99.90%。ORP为1 190 mV时,作用10 min,杀灭率可达到99.90%,作用40 min的杀灭率才达到100%。
表3 EOW中和剂试验结果
Table 3 Results of neutralizer test for EOW
Group 平均菌数
Average bacterial
count (cfu/ml)
Disinfectant+bacterial suspension 0
suspension)+neutralizer 110
Neutralizer+bacterial suspension 2 150 000
+bacterial suspension 1 700 000
Normal bacterial control 1 780 000
Bacteria-free PBS control 0
Bacteria-free neutralizer control 0
Uninoculated culture
medium control 0
注:试验温度为20℃。EOW加枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞后作用20 min。加入中和剂后作用10 min。结果为3次试验平均值。
Note: The temperature was 20℃. Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores were exposed to EOW for 20 min and the contact time after adding neutralizer was 10 min. The results are means of test for 3 times.
2.4 温度对EOW杀菌效果的影响
试验表明,对无蛋白胨悬液中的枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞,EOW的ORP为1152 mV时,于10℃作用40 min,杀灭率才达到100%,在30℃作用20 min,杀灭率即达到100%(表5)。
表4 EOW对枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞的杀灭效果
Table 4 Efficacy of EOW in killing Bacillus sub-tilis var. niger spores
value(mV) pH值
value 作用不同时间(min)的杀灭率(%)
Killing rate (%) after exposure for
different periods of time (min)
5 10 20 40
1 130 2.94 40.19 64.15 88.54 99.97
1 140 2.86 48.11 72.07 99.94 99.99
1 152 2.78 69.01 80.06 99.99 100.00
1 160 2.68 98.60 99.98 100.00 100.00
1 170 2.41 99.42 99.99 100.00 100.00
1 180 2.39 99.97 100.00 100.00 100.00
1 190 2.26 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
注:试验温度为20℃。以有效氯含量<80 mg/L的EOW作用于不含蛋白胨的菌悬液。阳性对照平均菌数为3 120 000 cfu/ml。结果为5次试验平均值。
Note: The temperature was 20℃. The bacterial suspension without peptone was exposed to EOW containing available chlorine <80 mg/L. The average bacterial count of positive control was 3 120 000 cfu/ml. The results are means of test for 5 times.
3 讨论
高氧化还原电位酸性水的杀菌作用,随其氧化还原电位升高而增强,因蛋白胨存在而减弱。该水氧化还原电位与制备时加食盐量及电解时间有关。因此,生产该水 时要精确掌握加食盐量及电解时间,以提高其电位值;使用时,要先将消毒物品表面有机物冲洗干净。因温度对其杀菌效果有一定的影响,使用保存于冰箱的该水时,要待其温度升至室温后应用。
表5 不同温度下EOW杀灭枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞的效果
Table 5 Efficacy of EOW in killing Bacillus sub-tilis var. niger spores at different temperatures
温度Temperature(℃) 作用不同时间(min)的杀灭率(%)
Killing rate (%) after exposure for
different periods of time (min)
10 20 30 40
10 72.59 99.31 99.99 100.00
20 94.09 99.99 99.99 100.00
30 99.69 100.00 100.00 100.00
注: EOW的ORP为1 152 mV。阳性对照平均菌数为3 180 000 cfu/ml。结果为5次试验平均值。
Note: ORP of EOW was 1152 mV. The average bacterial count of positive control was 3 180 000 cfu/ml. The results are means of test for 5 times. |
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